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Trolling & Energy Vampires

We have all seen it and perhaps, been a victim to it. Online trolling is usually done by angry people who have no life. However, there is a more sinister agenda. 

Many people of the negative agenda have the sole job of "poisoning the well". They go online and post comments, create websites, name it. Their job is start drama, create fighting and doubt and this is how they do it step by step:

Step 1. ATTACK THE MESSENGER. If they can create doubt, then no matter what the message or how truthful, many will choose not to believe it. 

Step 2. FEAR & INTIMIDATION.  This includes gangstalking and verbal abuse as well as 2 trolls arguing with each other. This is to distract you from the message. 

Step 3. DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGNS & AGENTS. Alex Jones is the perfect example. When I woke up I started listening to him and was in a constant state of fear. (part of the purpose) He is instructed to begin with some truth to suck you in....then fill the middle part with utter bs, then close with some truth.  If you listen to him, only pay attention to the very beginning and the very end.  If you find yourself living in are feeding them. Stop listening. 

Step 4. DISTRACTIONS. Comments or posts that have nothing to do with the original post/story. 

Step 5. STARTING AN ARGUMENT for no apparent reason whatsoever demanding a response. This is started with the intention of energy vampirism. This is BLACK MAGIC. ALWAYS ignore this. 

Step 6. DEMANDING EVIDENCE.  No matter what evidence you would present, they wouldn't believe it. This causes others to doubt and you to start doubting yourself. 

Black Magic Energy Vampirism

Energy vampires range from the intentionally malicious ones to those who are oblivious to their effect. Some are overbearing and obnoxious; others are friendly and charming.

Vibrating energy is what makes up the existence of everything in life and is commonly referred to as waves of energy flowing through the universe. Everyone gives out certain vibrational frequencies, which is what attracts the many events that occur in your day-to-day life. Psychic vampires have learned to give out and control these frequencies. A form of creating energy in order to absorb or feed off of it is  the creation of negative energy. This way of creating energy through negative actions or emotions directed at others can be one of the fastest and easiest ways to create and feed off of energy. All one has to do in order to create a negative form of energy is start talking to someone in a negative way, such as being condescending or talking to someone like they are a five-year old. When you do that, it creates frustration and even anger in others, and you can then take their energy immediately and produce large results by continuing to push that person’s buttons so to say. Starting a fight or an argument with someone produces negative energy results fast it is easy to continue insulting someone if you will. The consequences of taking energy in this manner is tragic, as this is black magic weather the person knows it or not. 

The psychological dynamics represented by people who inadvertently portray a psychic attacker (energy vampire) fall into five major categories. This personality type is an accumulation of that individual’s experiences in their current life, as well as in prior lifetimes.Fear is the common denominator in these individuals, and you must learn to protect yourself from their negative influences. The five personality types are called ethereal, insecure, paranoid, passive-aggressive, and robotic.

The Paranoid Type

Betrayal is the main issue with a paranoid type. Their karmic theme in past lives has possibly been that of warrior-like behavior, self-sacrifice, and victory in their battles. As a results of their experiences, they learned that there were enemies in the world who betrayed and possibly killed them in several incarnations.Paranoid types are soldiers still trying to win a war that no longer exists against an enemy that has long since perished. They do not trust anyone. Everyone is their enemy and life is their battleground. Fear is everywhere and an ingrained part of their personality makeup.

Their energy fields tend to be more highly charged on the upper half of their body. They are especially fearful and distrustful of members of the opposite sex. Aggression is the most common response to the world from a paranoid type. This aggression takes the form of physical behavior and energy projections to anyone in their path.Paranoid types constantly pick fights. They are seductive, but are incapable of long-term relationships. This person expects all others to betray them, and will assist in setting up others for this betrayal. A paranoid may initiate a betrayal as a preemptory strike.

To lose for a paranoid is to admit that they are bad. This is intolerable, so these people must win at any cost. They are hard workers, obsessive-compulsive, and are usually quite healthy physically. There is never enough time for them to accomplish their various goals.Paranoid types insist you agree with their often-distorted view of the world. In reality, they want you to argue with them. This way they can win the argument and prove to themselves that they are good and you are bad.

Never argue with this person. Refrain from making eye contact with them. Lower and soften your voice when you speak to them, and change the topic to something pleasant.

The Ethereal Type

Existential terror is the predominant issue of an ethereal type. Most often these troubled souls have been tortured to death in previous lives for their metaphysical beliefs or practices. Their only escape was to leave the body, so out-of-body experiences are the norm with them today.

These individuals do not want much contact with others. They were afraid to incarnate in their present body, and show this fear by being unwilling to commit their consciousness completely into their physical body.Leaving their physical body often throughout the day is the most common method that ethereal types use to deal with problems. They have weak boundaries and spend as much time as possible on the spiritual realms. Since all time is simultaneous on other planes, these people find it difficult to relate to linear time.The result of these inclinations is both withdrawal and aggression. They become aggressive and angry when forced to function on the earth plane. Their psychic attack on you is rarely premeditated, but nonetheless you must protect yourself from these individuals.

The Insecure Type

The main issue with insecure types is nurturance. These souls have been through many incarnations during which there simply was not enough food or love to go around. They usually were abandoned at some time in their present life, and fear it will happen again.

The insecure type feels that everyone around them is draining their energy; their response is to suck the energy from others to compensate. They may engage you in long, boring conversations and speak very softly. Their voice is so soft and low that you have to strain to hear them. These are compulsive people who are classically overweight and susceptible to addictions of all kinds.

These souls continually create life experience proving that they are not worthy of attention, and their energy needs and nurturing requirements will never be satisfied. To solve this deficiency, they must persist in draining the energy from others, creating a vicious cycle.An insecure type always comes across as helpless. They insist you do things for them, and expect you to take care of their every need. Give-and-take circumstances are unknown to them. All they can do is take.Never stand directly in front of this person. Do not make eye contact with him or her, if possible. Encourage them with words, but do not offer to do things for them. Remember these individuals live in constant fear of rejection and abandonment. Do not let your pity for them be a basis for you being their next victim.

The Passive-Aggressive Type

Invasion and being controlled is the chief concern of the passive-aggressive type. During several past incarnations, they experienced being controlled and trapped in situations, and prevented from being able to express themselves in ways they wanted to. They may have been slaves, prisoners, or been victimized by religion or governments.These souls absolutely desire freedom, but their fear prevents them from claiming it. They are angry and resentful for not feeling free, and lack a solution to this problem. Their response to the world is withdrawal, but with a subconscious wish to obtain permission from other people to come back into the world.

Passive-aggressive types lack autonomy. They constantly strive to involve other people in their lives. This individual makes demands and resists input at the same time. They live in the now, and never plan or think about the future. Self-expression is unknown to them. It is common to observe others interfering with their development, completing their sentences, and taking them for granted.This type of individual creates an internal world of unclear, undifferentiated fantasies and ideas, with fear at the core of this world. They imprison themselves and project loneliness, desperation, and resentment toward everyone they contact. It is impossible for them to express anger.

When you engage this type in a conversation, they will request your advice. Unfortunately, all of your suggestions are wrong and you are of no help to them. These people ask but reject whatever is offered to them. Their classic response to your advice is, “yes,but..”

The Robot Type

The main issue of robotic types is authenticity. They are denying their true self. During previous lifetimes, they had to keep up the appearance of being perfect in order to survive. They were most likely in charge of running things, as they probably are now.Their outer world is perfect, the inner world is denied, and there is no core essence. They constantly fear that something is missing and life is progressing without them.

To deal with this reality, robot types try to become even more perfect. They have high-paying jobs, a good reputation, a perfect spouse and family, and look in perfect health.The more inauthentic they act, the more meaningless the world appears. Others envy their lifestyle. People come to them with their problems. The robot types never attain satisfaction from life, and come across as a blank. They function as if on automatic pilot and are often removed from your conversation.Robot types never complain about the world. They are perfect and everything is beautiful. Appropriateness and being “politically correct” are more important that being real.These five types of psychic parasites need to be recognized and treated accordingly, or a psychic attack upon you is inevitable.

Here are six ways to cope with energy vampires:

1. Take a deep breath and let it go! There’s no need to allow their words or actions to linger and take up space in your heart and mind.

2. Recognize when their words or actions are unacceptable. Don’t give them permission to leech your energy.

3. Keep things light and change the focus. Learn not to react on impulse; instead, go with the flow, and tactfully bring the situation back to neutral ground.

4. Remind yourself of the purpose of your bond or connection (e.g., why is this person in your life, how are you associated with them?), and know that you are allowed to walk away!

5. Visualize a protective light around you, like an energy shield. This can help you remain energetically neutral without letting their words or actions cut or affect you.

6. Affirm your self-worth. You deserve to be surrounded by positive, genuine, and caring people who inspire you to be your very best.

7. Seal your aura: Stand upright and and cross yourself by touching your forehead, chest, right shoulder and left shoulder while saying "By the power of (insert whatever you are comfortable with: God, Christ, Source, Light) within me (outstretch your ams with finger tips touching, then sweep them around to your back and touch fingertips again- this creates a circle) I encompass myself with the divine circle of protection across which no mortal error dares to set its foot". This an old monkish formula and it lasts for 4 hours.

8.  When dealing with a difficult person, interlace your fingers and lay your folded hands upon your solar plexus, keeping your elbows pressed against your sides & keep your feet touching each other. You have just made your body and aura a closed circuit and the person will not be able to drain your energy.

9. If anyone tries to dominate you by gazing into your eyes, do not gaze back, instead, look at the space between their eyebrows. This immediately gives you the upper hand.



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