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Twin Flames & Soulmates

Aren't  they the same thing? NO!! Twin flames and soul mates are 2 different situations. Twin flames are very rare despite what the spiritual community says or makes people believe, but everyone has soul-mates. And not just 1 soul-mate, but many!


Soul-mates are souls who have made an agreement with you before you incarnated to participate in your life in some way. Soul-mates would include a family member, best friend, your romantic partner, neighbors, teachers and even a pet. Twin flames, however, is the same soul split into 2 parts that contrast each other. (Think yin/yang).  Its not ALWAYS good vs evil situation, but you will have strengths and weaknesses that each of you show the other. The majority of twin flames have 1 twin that has been hijacked by the negative agenda, which means most twin flame relationships are toxic and in the empath/narcissist dynamic. Usually one is on the benevolent path and is the catalyst for the healing and growth. This is usually the feminine. The masculine is usually on the negative path and is usually the runner. Think of a player/fuckboi energy. Someone focused on money, career, power and status and self. The service to self path is the negative path. Many of these men are incredibly toxic. 


"You meet this person, look them into the eyes and are sucked in like by a tractor beam. The magnetic feeling is so intense – nothing you have ever experienced before. And you know: This is what I have been searching, what I have been waiting for my whole life. Now I am going to live happily ever after. I have found the person that makes me whole, the one that completes me. Right?

WRONG! The Twin Flame journey is not about romance in the first place, and we have to learn that the hard way. Especially in the beginning, when the just described bubble love phase ends abruptly.  AND I MEAN ABRUPTY! Like a kick in the stomach. Our egos kick back in when we return into 3D reality and a painful push and pull becomes the new normal and in most cases ending in a painful separation." This usually happens over and over in many lifetimes.

I go into the hijacking at the end of this page.



My Twin Flame Experience

I am a twin flame. My twin's name is Clint. The most beautiful, angelic man you've ever seen. We met on the 777 portal (July 7th, 2023). It was an instant attraction and was like a fairy tale romance. It was like 2 magnets clicking together. 

We dated for a while and then in quintessential boy-feels-deep love-and-runs-away fashion, he was gone. 

I knew from a very young age that the reason why I was here hinged upon finding "the one". I was probably 9 years old laying in bed and knowing that I was here to do something "very important" and that I had "to find him". I didnt even know what this meant, but many starseeds remember things from past lives or the time in between lives. 

I was able to confirm through meditation and my guides that this is my twin flame.

I was always a very loving, compassionate and loyal girlfriend to Clint and I never had any reason to think he was otherwise. At the 4th month mark, he asked me to move in with him when my lease was up 2 months later. Then a week later he became distant but swore everything was fine. He went on a business trip for 2 days and while we were texting, I asked him to send me a picture of that beautiful smile of his (he has the most amazing smile) and as soon as he sent the picture, the look on his face made my heart sink and I knew it was over. 

The next day he broke up with me over text. 

I was devastated and wanted to die.

He told me he "needed time" and "needed to work on things alone".

Christmas came a month later and he brought me a beautiful moonstone necklace that he bought while we were still together. We talked for an hour and caught up. I was hopeful we would get back together. 

1 month later (end of January), his ex wife contacted me on Instagram. She is very spiritual as well and we had a lot in common and to be honest, I was desperate for any information on Clint, so I talked to her. She invited me over and we spoke for 4 hours.  During this time I learned that Clint is a false light person. He pretends to be nice and loyal, kind, respectable and spiritual. In reality he is the opposite. He is a covert narcissist. She played recordings/videos of him showing his true nature that she saved that proved she wasn't lying.  He wants a submissive women that knows her place. Im anything but that.

​She told me that he had told her he wasnt in love with me. That he was just using me. That he had been cheating on me with 3 other women and while I was sick at home with COVID, he went to a bar and met another women. When he went on that business trip, it was to see her. He broke it off with me to be with her. He did the classic abusive behavior that I only realized in hindsight: love-bombing, gas lighting, emotional manipulation etc. He knew he would have to "level up" to be with me and he wasnt ready to do so. His plan was to put me on the back burner and come back to me when he was ready.....knowing Id never find out what the truth was. 

When I tell you that I lost my shit, I mean I went straight into "Im going to burn this fucking world to the ground" energy. I left her place and called him on the drive home. He didnt answer the first time. I immediately called back and he answered. The conversation went like this:


Clint: "Hey laurie! How are you"

Me: "Not so good. How are you"

Clint: "Oh Im fantastic".

Me: "Im sure you are...Im sure you are"....(knowing he was probably laying in bed beside her)

Me: "So I just spent the last 4 hours with _____ (his ex wife's name).....aaaand she told me EVERYTHING"

Clint: "whaaatt" *nervous laughter*

At that point rage took over and I dont full remember the rest but I do remember ending it with "You are the Devil".


When I got home I texted "Buckle up bitch, life is about to get rough for you"

I know I am divinely protected and his karma was going to be bad.


Its been a year since then and I have yet to hear an apology from him. Spirit has confirmed he is going through a shit ton of karma and since we are connected and have a telepathic connection, I can feel his depression and anxiety. I usually have to return that energy back to him several times a week. once twins connect in this life, you become "activated". You will have that serious energetic and telepathic connection. This is great when together, but when you are in separation, it is Hell. You always feel them. You cant stop thinking of them. It is literal torture. Especially in my case where his plan didnt go the way he thought and now he is in full regret and trying to think of a way to get back into my good graces. -This will never happen. I already have a reply typed up and ready to go when I get that inevitable message. I am breaking this soul contract in this lifetime and any future lifetimes. The only way I will reconnect with him will be in 5D. Its taken me this year to turn my hate for him into pity and hoping he does the work in order to heal, after all, he is me in shadow. 

​I go into more of the toxicity at the end of this page.



Why Are Twin Flames Here?


1: Building and strengthening the New Earth Energetic Grid.

Twin Flames go on a search when they are going through the painful experience of the push and pull and separation phase. This phase has not only the purpose to heal the individuals, it also serves to connect with other twins all over the world to exchange on experiences, helping and supporting each other in the process and in their missions. We are finding our tribe and are cooperating with each other. Twins and lightworkers are strategically positioned all over the planet to hold, build and fill important locations and portals to support the distribution of the light all over earth. Some will be positioned permanently in one spot, building new community models, new ways of autark living, new ways of education, new ways of business etc., while others are travellers – always ready to follow the next calling into the next region where light and love is needed.


2: Supporting Ascension of the Planet and Humanity

Twin Flames have incarnated at this crucial time on earth to help the planet’s ascension. They are walking side by side with other lightworkers, star seeds and angelic beings to help raising the planet’s and humanity’s frequency. Twins carry a very high frequency with them, which intensifies after the first encounter in the physical, when the energies that have been separated for so long, reconnect. It is an explosion of pure unconditional love. That is why it feels so unbelievably fantastic. This high vibe of energy is needed on the planet to raise the portion of light in relation to darkness. We have now reached an equal balance of darkness and light. The more the frequency rises on the planet, the faster we reach the tipping point when the light takes over the bigger portion and absorbs and transmutes the dark. Light workers (including twins) are here to help this transmutation by transforming low frequencies into high frequencies to free the planet from its 3D illusions and pain and, vice versa, to manifest these high vibrations onto the planet.


3: Healing the Family Lineage and the Collective

Twin flames often incarnate into very dysfunctional families with a large misbalance of masculine and feminine energies. It can be either very abusive or very overprotected. Twin flames chose to experience living in a misbalance to understand how this feels like, as it is needed to help others to ascend later on. When twins awaken and understand their true purpose and start healing themselves, this has an effect on the whole family lineage. Twins change the energetic field and timeline for the whole genetic past and clear it so that the children incarnating through this lineage in the future will be born onto New Earth directly. There will be no karma left. The same counts for healing collective pain. When twins have healed enough themselves and have gotten used to the transmutation process of energy, which happens through our heart chakras, they will be more and more called in to support healing the collective. This will feel very uncomfortable in the beginning, and can feel like reliving the past, as the amount of low vibrations running through our system is much higher than what we had to handle so far with our own, our twins and our lineage. (This explains why I incarnated into a family full of 33rd degree masons)


4: Teaching new Relationship and Family Templates

Twins are here to teach humanity how life on New Earth will be like, outside of the illusions we took for granted for such a long time. Life on New Earth is based on authenticity, freedom and self-love for the individual and oneness and compassion within the community. All of this becomes possible, when human Ego has been transformed into a free spirit and the hearts have been opened to unconditional love. This will lead to a complete absence of fear. On New Earth, feminine and masculine energies are in complete balance. The female as the creative part will set the right intentions from the heart and deliver the ideas, while the masculine part as the creator will implement. Twins are first to reach this balance and then support spreading this via ripple effect and the connection to twins all over the planet. Twins are the role model for new relationship and family templates, free from dependencies, duties, contracts, compromise. In a world without fear and insecurity, where everyone is valued for what they are, this will be the new normal.


5: Teaching new Societal Templates

Closely related to the relationship and family templates are general societal templates that need to change to make life in the 5th dimension possible. Also these will be completely based on compassion, freedom and authenticity. Honesty will be self-evident. Today, when you ask people to not tell a lie for one day, most would not be able to do so, because our ego uses lies as a means of self-defense. This will change with the help of our lightwork. We will teach how we will live in harmony in the future. Communities that help each other out but honor and respect the individual aspects of each and everyone. The same counts for businesses. Imagine a world without ego and honoring our natural form of being in complete balance. 




Insights on The Twin Flame Relationship


1 – Your Twin is You.

This is what many struggle with to understand when still in 3D thought and believe patterns. We slip into a victim role, we blame, we judge, we go into the “he said – she said” game and we are focused on the other half, only seeing their alleged fears and problems they need to solve. Well, scratch that. The sooner, the better. Of course, it is your choice. If you enjoy the 3D templates and the push and pull dynamics and the running and chasing game, then stick with it. There is only one guarantee: A permanent reunion with your twin will not be possible that way.

We have to understand, that our twin is us. We are one energy field in two bodies. So what we blame or judge him or her for, we blame ourselves for. They are our ultimate mirror and they give us exactly what we need for our own healing and growth. That is not always what our ego wants… So when you are blaming them for ignoring you, why are you ignoring yourself? When you complain about them not being honest about their feelings, where are you not honest yourself?


2 – It is all about You

Closely related to that is that we have to learn that it is always about us. And when we have understood that we are one it makes sense, right? If we heal us, we heal both parts.

There is no me or him/her. There is only us. And the faster we focus on ourselves, on our own issues, our own healing, the quicker we will raise the frequency for us, our twin and humanity and feel much more balanced and whole. Working with our inner child, our ego and learning the language of energy in order to transmute fear frequencies into love frequencies through gratitude and forgiveness are three key aspects. This process pushes us to become our true divine self and drop everything that is not authentic about us. It is triggering us until we have pealed off every fake layer and have found back to self-love. A state of being without any self-doubt, hurt, insecurities or other fears.


3 – the Female is in the Lead

Once we have understood this, the second part to integrate into our awareness are the traits of the female and the male energies. The female energy is the creative energy. She creates with her intuition, her heart and sets the intention. She is preparing the energy field and is setting a certain frequency. Then, the male energy, the creator energy, can follow and manifest. It can never be the other way around. So if you are the more female part in the connection (carrying a bigger portion of female energy, which is independent from gender), you have to really take that in. If you are waiting for your twin to finally heal and get it – you will wait until the cows come home. This will never happen, as he will simply follow your energy. If your intention in the energetic field is waiting or acting out of fear – he will do the same. If you set the intention to move forward, change things, step into your mission, drop fears and parts that are not authentic about you, follow your true hearts desires, he will follow and do the same. And you do not have to talk to him or her in 3D about this at all. As you are connected energetically through your heart chakras, you will inspire him or her energetically. As the more female part, we change and transmute the fear/trauma pattern first and then the male can follow with his healing and then manifest reunion. The more female part sets the intention and creates the circumstances energetically to pave the way for manifestation. Always. Understand that the more male part needs you to do your job so that they can do theirs.




4 – Reunion is only possible on a very High Frequency Level

Once we have found self-love and feel completely connected to source and we have let go of all fake programming, fears, trauma, inauthentic behavior etc., we have raised our frequency back to our natural frequency. Our original twin vibe. That is pure bliss and compassion. Pure Divine love. When we have reached that state, we have ascended to New Earth. We are now happy and whole by ourselves. We do not need anyone else to be happy, but we carry so much love for us and thus for God, that all we want to do is share it with others. We see through all the illusions. Duality dissolves and we see the good and Divine perfection in everything. We are completely free and have detached from the Matrix and have awakened to the real reality. Now, we are able to do the lightwork with ease and transmuting comes natural. When we release and cry it feels just as good as when we laugh, dance and sing. We have recognized what a great gift the twin flame connection is and are deeply grateful for everything it has brought to us on a silver plate. We manifest with ease, we have completely surrendered, we trust the universal flow and we have let go of the expectation that reunion has to happen in this lifetime, as time loses its meaning, too. And – that is exactly the moment when the door opens and – when you least expect it, your twin comes back to you, to be with you and to serve mankind together with you on your joint mission.




That Is How The Journey Is SUPPOSED To Be.......


.......However, the majority of these relationships have been hijacked. The negative agenda does not have their memories wiped after each life. They can access the subconscious minds. They have all their psychic abilities. Most are inter dimensional. Point being, they know who we are before we know who we are. They are able to program (usually the male) early in childhood. They can activate and de activate this person. This person usually has a negative entity attachment placed early on and usually a more demonic entity. They typically have many narcissistic traits or are a full blown narcissist. They wear a mask and pretend to be "Prince Charming" and can even seem "angelic". This is the work of the negative entity. They are able to manipulate the "signs and synchronicities" that you will no doubt see from numbers to seeing their name everywhere. The point of this is to make you believe you must stay in this toxic cycle and accept this toxic person's behavior because "it is your mission" and you must reunite in this lifetime. Many of the feminine twin's turn to tarot readings for comfort and to get insight. The readings will say that they will come back soon and you will be kept waiting for them. This is also part of the manipulation. The reality is that they will come back when they need a "hit" of your energy and the need to feed their ego. Then, they will run again. The trauma bond is now fully formed and your life is falling apart. 

Understand this is NOT what the universe wants for you. This was NOT the plan. The ONLY way to reunite with your twin and have a loving, healthy relationship is for the masculine twin to heal fully. If they are a full blown narcissist, this will be nearly impossible unless they legit get an exorcism and remove this demonic entity from themselves. The only thing you can do at this point is to let them know that they have narcissistic traits or are a narcissist and likely have a demonic attachment. Some may take it upon themselves to get therapy or spiritual help. Thats all you can hope for. Then, cut off all contact. This will be the hardest thing you will ever have to do, but you must protect yourself and your lifeforce energy that this entity is feeding off of. 

























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