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This is an oval Orgonite pendant with Black Tourmaline & Aquamarine stones. 

This is 1  1/2" in length, 1" in width and about 7/8" thick.


Aquamarine evokes the purity of crystalline waters, and the exhilaration and relaxation of the sea. It is calming, soothing, and cleansing, and inspires truth, trust and letting go. In ancient lore, Aquamarine was believed to be the treasure of mermaids, and was used by sailors as a talisman of good luck, fearlessness and protection. It was also considered a stone of eternal youth and happiness. Associated with the Throat chakra, Aquamarine helps overcome the fear of speaking, and is an excellent stone for teachers and presenters of all types. It relaxes speakers to a stage of consciousness in which they are fully aware of their own truths, wisdom and feelings, and able to articulate them with clarity and conviction. It also allows one to speak clearly and without anger in difficult situations. 
Aquamarine is a stone of breath, the respiratory tract, and the lungs. It can heal sinus conditions and frequent coughing, and is effective for hay fever and other chronic allergies.  It relieves colds and bronchitis. Aquamarine is a Water element stone, powerful for cleansing the emotional body and opening communication. Its gentle energy brings emotional patterns to the surface and assists in understanding the reason for holding onto old thoughts or patterns that are limiting forward motion. It also identifies where ego is causing one to overreact, assume a victim/abuser role, manipulate others, or martyr oneself. By consciously releasing these patterns, it allows for better relationships, love and compassion.




Black Tourmaline keeps an electric charge, as it is pyroelectric (meaning it can generate electricity when heated), as well as piezoelectric (meaning it can store an electrical charge), causing it to release negative ions and far infrared radiation - these are very beneficial for health. This incredible stone is associated with protection, grounding, health, happiness, luck, and positivity.

Black tourmaline  has been used since ancient times by Shamans and healers for protection. Black Tourmaline is considered by many to be the most powerful protective stone and it is one of the only stones that protects and heals on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. 

 Protects from negative energies - transmutes negative energies of all kinds (including thoughts) into positive energies.
➢ Receives the negative energy or psychic attack, and transmutes it BACK to the sender. 
➢ Shields from harmful electromagnetic radiation—from TVs, computers and mobile phones—by emitting a small electric current.
➢ Strengthens immunity
➢ Relieves stress and anxiety
➢ Promotes detoxification
➢ Increases alertness
➢ Supports organs
➢ Eliminates toxic heavy metals
➢ Helps circulation
➢ Improves metabolism
➢ Improves self-confidence
➢ Grounds energies - associated with root chakra
➢ Balances and clears chakras and aura.


What is Orgonite?

Orgone energy is similar to what the ancients have called prana, chi, or universal energy. Orgone is created by layering organic and inorganic materials that are able to harness this vital life force energy and amplify it so you can actually feel a sensation with it. Orgonite is a combination of crystal and metal in resin. When adding crystal into the mix, the crystal matrix is locked in an amplified state of its own frequency. The encased metal filters the negative frequencies. This combination creates a high-frequency output and a negative-frequency filter all in one piece. When Orgonite is within range of a source of negative energy (like electromagnetic frequencies—EMFs), it will efficiently and continuously transform it into positive energy.

Aquamarine & Black Tourmaline Orgonite Pendant

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